Cain, Son of Adam

Qābīl (قَابِيْل), Qayin (קין), The World’s First Murderer, The Father of Murder, The Cursed One, The Marked Envy

• ━━ • 𝐕. 𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐏𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 • ━━ •

░ ¹❏ The Abyssal Mantle of Cain ⤶⟡ Forged in the infernal depths of the Underworld, the Abyssal Mantle is an armor that epitomizes the essence of Cain's endless journey. This dark, foreboding armor is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and arcane engineering, designed to protect its wearer from the myriad dangers of both the mortal and infernal realms.Helmet:
⟡ The helmet, known as the “Eclipsed Visage,” is sculpted to resemble a solemn, expressionless mask, its surface smooth and dark as obsidian. The eyes are narrow slits that glow with an eerie, spectral light, giving Cain a terrifying presence. Etched along the sides are ancient runes of protection and warding, designed to shield his mind from demonic influence.
⟡ Intelligence Protection: +30% resistance to mind-affecting spells and psychic damage.
⟡ Perception: +10 to perception checks in low light conditions.
⟡ Night Vision: Grants dark vision up to 120 feet.
⟡ The chestplate, named the “Heart of Shadows,” is a seamless blend of dark metals and demonic scales, offering unmatched durability and flexibility. Its surface is covered in intricate engravings depicting scenes from Cain’s battles in the Underworld, each one a testament to his unyielding resolve. At its center lies a pulsating core, a shard of an ancient artifact known as the Soulstone, which grants Cain regenerative abilities and a shield against dark magic.
⟡ Health Regeneration: Restores 5 HP per minute.
⟡ Magic Resistance: +25% resistance to fire and dark magic.
⟡ Physical Enhancement: +20 to physical endurance.
Pauldrons and Gauntlets:
⟡ The pauldrons, called “Wings of the Abyss,” are large and imposing, shaped like the wings of a fallen angel, symbolizing Cain’s tragic fall and his eternal struggle for redemption. They provide exceptional protection without restricting movement. The gauntlets, named “Hands of the Penitent,” are reinforced with layered plating and spiked knuckles, allowing Cain to deliver devastating blows. Each finger is tipped with sharp, claw-like extensions, useful for both combat and climbing.
⟡ Strength Enhancement: +15 to strength.
⟡ Attack Bonus: +5 to melee attack rolls.
⟡ Unarmed Damage: Gauntlets add +10 damage to unarmed strikes.
Greaves and Boots:
⟡ The greaves, known as “Pilgrim’s Resolve,” are designed for endurance and mobility, crafted from the toughest underworld alloys. They are engraved with sigils that enhance Cain’s speed and agility, enabling him to move swiftly and silently across any terrain. The boots, called “Wanderer’s Steps,” are lined with soft, durable leather from abyssal beasts, providing comfort and resilience. They feature retractable spikes for traction on treacherous surfaces.
⟡ Speed Enhancement: +20 to movement speed.
⟡ Agility: +10 to acrobatics and stealth checks.
⟡ Traction: +15 to stability on difficult terrain.
⟡ The cloak, named “Eternal Night,” is woven from the shadows of the Underworld itself. It drapes over Cain’s shoulders and flows down to his ankles, shimmering with a dark, otherworldly light. The cloak can envelop Cain in a veil of darkness, rendering him nearly invisible in low-light conditions. It also possesses minor levitation properties, allowing Cain to glide silently through the air for short distances.
⟡ Stealth Bonus: +30 to stealth checks in low light or darkness.
⟡ Invisibility: Grants invisibility for up to 10 minutes per use, usable thrice per day.
⟡ Levitation: Allows short-distance gliding, up to 30 feet.
Special Abilities:
⟡ Shadowmeld: Grants complete invisibility in darkness, usable once per hour.
⟡ Abyssal Fortitude: Adds +50 to overall physical strength and +20% to damage resistance against fire and dark magic.
⟡ Ward of the Forsaken: Continuous protection against curses and mental manipulation, with +30% resistance to all mind-affecting spells.
⟡ Regeneration: With the Soulstone, Cain regenerates 5 HP per minute, and critical wounds heal twice as fast.

░ ²❏ "אלף-חרב" (Aleph-Kherev) - The First Sword ⤶Forging and Origins
⟡ The Aleph-Kherev, or First Sword, was the first weapon Cain forged upon his descent into the Underworld. Crafted from the bones of a fallen angel and tempered in the blood of a thousand demons, this sword was created with the express purpose of combating the denizens of the abyss.
⟡ Aleph-Kherev is imbued with both physical and magical properties. The blade is virtually indestructible, capable of cutting through the toughest demon hide and enchanted armor. Its edge never dulls, and it can absorb the essence of the creatures it slays, growing stronger with each kill.
⟡ The sword’s primary magical ability is "גזירה" (Gezira), meaning "Severance". When activated, Gezira can sever the ethereal bonds that hold demons together, effectively exorcising them from existence. This ability requires a significant amount of Cain’s energy, binding the sword even more closely to his life force.Weapon Stats
⟡ Physical Damage: 9/10
⟡ Durability: 10/10
⟡ Magic Affinity: 8/10
⟡ Special Ability - Gezira: 10/10 (Severs ethereal bonds, exorcising demons)

░ ³❏ "נשמת חרב" (Neshamat Kherev) - The Soul Sword ⤶⟡ Forging and Origins
The Neshamat Kherev, or Soul Sword, was forged from the purest celestial silver and infused with the essence of Cain’s soul. This blade was created during a moment of profound reflection and sorrow, symbolizing his eternal struggle for redemption.
⟡ Capabilities
Neshamat Kherev is a weapon of extraordinary balance and grace. It has the ability to resonate with Cain’s emotions, amplifying his strength and agility during combat. The sword can also heal Cain’s wounds by channeling the life force of defeated enemies back into him.
The magical property of this sword is "תקווה" (Tikvah), meaning "Hope". When activated, Tikvah allows Cain to create a barrier of light that can repel dark entities and protect the innocent. This barrier is not only a defensive mechanism but can also purify corrupted souls, giving them peace.⟡ Weapon Stats
Physical Damage: 7/10
Durability: 8/10
Magic Affinity: 9/10
Special Ability - Tikvah: 9/10 (Creates a purifying barrier of light)

• ━ • 𝐕𝐈. 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 • ━ •

I. Early Life:
⟡ Cain’s early life was defined by the weight of being the firstborn. He was a diligent worker, dedicated to his role as a tiller of the ground, driven by a strong sense of responsibility to provide for his family. This sense of duty made him hardworking and reliable, yet also placed immense pressure on him to succeed and gain favor, particularly from the Divine.
As a young man, Cain exhibited a mixture of strength and vulnerability. He was physically strong, capable of enduring the harsh demands of agriculture, but emotionally, he was susceptible to feelings of insecurity and jealousy. His desire for recognition and approval, especially in comparison to his brother Abel, planted the seeds of resentment that would later consume him.Cain's initial personality was thus a blend of earnest determination and a deep, underlying need for validation. He was passionate and intense, with a fierce work ethic, but these traits were accompanied by a fragility that left him open to darker influences.II. The Fall:
⟡ As Cain's offerings went seemingly unnoticed by God, his feelings of jealousy and bitterness towards Abel grew. Lucifer’s whisperings found fertile ground in Cain’s troubled heart, exacerbating his insecurities and stoking the flames of his rage. The transformation from a hardworking, if insecure, individual to a man consumed by envy and wrath was gradual yet inexorable.
When Cain ultimately killed Abel, his personality underwent a profound shift. The act of murder, driven by a mix of pent-up rage and manipulated emotions, shattered the remnants of his former self. Guilt and fear took root, mingling with his anger and leading to an internal collapse. The curse that followed—eternal wandering and isolation—only served to deepen this psychological fracture.III. The Curse:
⟡ Condemned to wander the earth with the Mark of Cain, he was thrust into a state of perpetual isolation. The mark ensured that no one would harm him, but it also meant that no one would welcome him. As he traveled, shunned and feared by all, Cain had ample time for reflection, though this introspection was marred by a growing sense of despair and bitterness.
In these early years of his curse, Cain's personality became increasingly melancholic. The constant rejection and the weight of his guilt created a man who was deeply sorrowful, yet hardened by necessity. The fire of his earlier rage cooled into a cold, enduring bitterness. His expressions, once vivid and intense, became blank and unreadable—a mask to hide his inner turmoil.IV. Descent into the Underworld:
⟡ Cain’s journey eventually led him to the Underworld, where his personality underwent further transformation. The constant battles against demons and dark spirits forged him into a relentless warrior. In the Underworld, survival depended on strength, cunning, and an unyielding will. Cain embraced these qualities, his personality hardening like tempered steel.
In the depths of the Underworld, Cain learned to master his rage, channeling it into his combat style, Nahala Shel HaTov. The raw, uncontrolled anger that once drove him was now a source of disciplined power. His interactions with the demonic entities were marked by a grim resolve, each battle a testament to his unbreakable will and growing mastery over his dark abilities.V. Emergence and Evolution:
⟡ When Cain finally broke free from the Underworld, he emerged as a figure both feared and respected. His personality, shaped by centuries of battle and isolation, was now a complex blend of melancholy and determination. The sorrow and guilt from his past still lingered, but they were now tempered by a sense of purpose.
As a wandering demon slayer, Cain adopted the role of a reluctant guardian. He continued to keep his emotions deeply buried, presenting a stoic, unreadable exterior. His blank expression served as a mask, concealing the maelstrom of emotions within—sorrow, guilt, rage, and a sliver of hope for redemption.Despite his hardened exterior, Cain retained a deep-seated empathy for the innocent and a burning hatred for the forces of darkness. His actions were driven not just by a desire for personal redemption, but also by a genuine wish to protect others from the evils he had once succumbed to.VI. Growth and Inner Conflict:
⟡ Throughout his eternal journey, Cain’s personality continued to evolve. The endless battles and encounters with both demonic and human adversaries allowed him moments of introspection. He began to understand the depth of his own guilt and the true cost of his actions. This understanding brought with it a sense of responsibility—both for his past deeds and for the future of those he sought to protect.
Cain’s inner conflict was a constant struggle. On one hand, he bore the weight of his curse and the knowledge of his crime. On the other, he was driven by a need to atone, to find some semblance of peace through his actions. This duality made him a deeply complex character, capable of immense ruthlessness towards his enemies but also profound compassion towards those he sought to protect.His interactions with the few who dared approach him revealed glimpses of his hidden depths. To those he helped, he was a silent guardian, his actions speaking louder than his words. They saw him as a tragic hero, a figure shrouded in mystery and sorrow, yet undeniably committed to combating the forces of evil.VII. The Melancholic Mask:
⟡ The blank expression Cain wore became his most defining feature. It was a mask that served multiple purposes—it hid his true feelings, protected him from further emotional harm, and projected an image of unassailable strength. This mask was a necessary defense, forged from centuries of pain and hardship.
Yet beneath this stoic exterior, Cain’s emotions still burned brightly. He felt the sting of his eternal isolation, the weight of his guilt, and the lingering pain of Abel’s death. His sorrow was profound, a constant companion that he had learned to coexist with. At times, this sorrow manifested as a deep melancholy that colored his actions and interactions.Despite his melancholic nature, Cain’s emotional core remained intact. He was capable of feeling deeply, though he rarely showed it. The rare moments of vulnerability, when his mask slipped, revealed a man tormented by his past yet driven by a fierce determination to do right by those who crossed his path.VIII. The Final Transformation:
⟡ Cain’s growth as a character was marked by a gradual acceptance of his dual nature. He came to terms with the fact that he would always be a figure of both darkness and light. His curse, while a source of immense suffering, also gave him the power to combat the very evils that had once manipulated him.
In the end, Cain’s fate remains unknown. Some believe he continues to wander the earth, a solitary figure battling the forces of darkness wherever they arise. Others think he seeks a final redemption, a way to lift the curse that has defined his existence.Cain’s personality, shaped by centuries of struggle and introspection, is a complex tapestry of strength and sorrow, determination and despair. His legacy is one of profound transformation—a testament to the enduring power of redemption and the eternal struggle between light and shadow. As long as his story is told, Cain’s journey will serve as a reminder of the human capacity for growth, resilience, and the pursuit of redemption, no matter how dark the past may be.

• ━ • 𝐕𝐈𝐈. 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 • ━ •

I. Early Life and the Seeds of Jealousy
⟡ In the dawn of humanity, Adam and Eve bore two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain, the elder, was a tiller of the ground, dedicating his life to the cultivation of the earth. He was known for his strength and diligence, a man of the soil who sought to bring forth the bounty of the land. Abel, his younger brother, was a shepherd, tending to flocks of sheep with gentle care and devotion.
From a young age, Cain felt a deep sense of responsibility as the firstborn. He worked tirelessly in the fields, driven by a desire to provide for his family and earn the favor of the Divine. However, despite his hard work, Cain harbored a growing sense of insecurity and jealousy. Abel’s offerings, the finest of his flock, were consistently favored by God, who accepted them with grace, while Cain's own sacrifices of produce seemed to go unnoticed.This favoritism festered within Cain, fueling a resentment that slowly grew into a burning rage. His heart, once full of hope and dedication, darkened with envy and bitterness. In his isolation, Cain began to hear a voice—a seductive, whispering voice that promised him understanding and power.II. The Whisperings of Lucifer
⟡ The voice belonged to Lucifer, the fallen archangel, cast out from heaven for his rebellion. Sensing Cain’s vulnerability and anger, Lucifer saw an opportunity to sow discord among humanity. He whispered to Cain in his moments of solitude, nurturing his feelings of injustice and betrayal.
“Why should Abel receive all the favor?” Lucifer would hiss. “You, Cain, are the firstborn. You are stronger, you toil harder. Why should you be overlooked? The power to change your fate lies within you.”Day by day, Cain succumbed more to Lucifer’s insidious counsel. The voice became his constant companion, stoking the flames of his jealousy into a blazing inferno. His resentment towards Abel grew until it was all-consuming.III. The First Murder
⟡ One fateful day, Cain invited Abel to join him in the fields. The invitation was a guise, masking the dark intent that had taken root in his heart. As Abel arrived, unsuspecting and trusting, Cain confronted him, his eyes blazing with fury.
“Why does God favor you, Abel?” Cain’s voice trembled with pent-up rage. “Why are my offerings not enough?”Abel, confused and saddened by his brother’s torment, tried to console him. “Cain, it is not for us to question the will of God. Let us work together and seek His favor in unity.”But Cain’s rage could not be quelled. In a fit of uncontrolled anger, he struck Abel down, the first act of fratricide staining the earth with blood. Abel’s lifeless body lay in the field, a stark testament to Cain’s unleashed wrath.

IV. The Curse and the Mark
⟡ As the life drained from Abel, the sky darkened, and a terrible silence fell over the land. God’s voice thundered through Cain’s mind, a divine presence that filled him with dread.
“What have you done, Cain? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”Cain, now consumed by guilt and fear, fell to his knees. “My punishment is more than I can bear,” he cried. “I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”God, in His judgment, marked Cain so that no one would harm him, but cursed him to wander the earth for eternity, never to find peace or rest. The Mark of Cain appeared on his forehead—a dark, glowing symbol that radiated both fear and repulsion.“You will be protected, Cain,” God declared. “But you will know no home, no solace, only endless wandering.”V. The Endless Wanderings
⟡ Cain’s curse began immediately. As he traveled, he found that people recoiled from him in fear and disgust. The Mark of Cain ensured his safety from harm, yet it isolated him completely, a constant reminder of his crime and his eternal punishment. Years turned into decades, and decades into centuries. Cain wandered across the earth, through desolate landscapes and forgotten ruins. He became a figure of legend, a cautionary tale told around campfires—a man marked by God, cursed to roam forever. During his travels, Cain’s heart hardened further. He became a survivor, learning to live off the land, using his strength and cunning to endure. The voice of Lucifer still echoed in his mind, but now Cain resisted its allure, filled with a grim determination to bear his punishment.
VI. Descent into the Underworld
⟡ When one commits horrific deeds or is a nonbeliever in God they would be sent to the underworld, known by many names including Hades and Jahannam. There exist a vast array of punishments that are enacted upon the souls trapped within depending on the sins they committed. By all things Holy, so much had happened and it is fully engraved upon his soul. So much has happened, so much pain, so much agony… it hurt so bad… he begged ever so often for it to be stopped… yet he was shown no mercy. Death was nonexistent here, each time ‘Death’ came, it was as though time was reset and nothing ever happened. The nightmare was never-ending, Cain lost himself… and then there was a strange occurrence.
VII. A Chance To Be Free
⟡ A demon, who declared himself an envoy of the Devil himself, had freed the fallen son of Adam to his throne only telling him he has been ‘chosen’. Before he could even ask what was happening, his surroundings had changed in an instant as though he plucked out and towards somewhere else. Though he wasn’t alone in this place, there were others with him. Individuals who were all like him, those who are sentenced to the Hellfire, a total of sixty people. The demon from before had arrived before them and spoke as though he were overlooking an event, this demon stated that as of now ‘The Trials of the Fallen’ shall begin.
A series of trials will be for certain inhabitants of the underworld who were deemed worthy by the ‘The Lord of All Hells’. Hearing that name had actually caused the fallen son of man to feel something he had never felt in so long, what felt as though it had been centuries, he felt… rage… and it seems the demon caught wind of that. The envoy smirked in the direction of Cain as he spoke further on the trials and declared that ‘all those who pass shall be henceforth forgiven’. Does the Devil forgive? Not a chance, this is what Cain believed and yet he could see the expressions others held. They were ready to believe it, how could they not latch onto that chance? Who would want to give up such an opportunity for freedom from this place? The trials were to be set in six stages and the chosen will be tested harshly… they will find no mercy but when have they ever? Cain had to grit his teeth with anger, his rage still billowing, as he stood his ground. He will take this opportunity but he will not do it for this so-called ‘forgiveness’… but to get his revenge on the Devil…

VIII. And So It Begins
⟡ The First Trial to take place was The Gauntlet of the Damned, in this trial one must outrun a Demon and reach a point of safety to pass. This Demon was a literal Giant, it looked to be akin to a bull, that had chased them with the intent of devouring them. Of course, simply running to the intended point of safety isn’t going to be simple. There were obstacles in their path such as pits of fire and lesser demons just to make a few. Cain looked to those that were failing by either being devoured by the giant or falling prey to the traps that lay about, it was though their fate was decided right then and there. In all honesty, he felt as though he shouldn’t care about them or this stupid trial but he thought about Abel, if Abel was here then he would help them. The fallen son had made a move to help some of the other members and eventually they all reach the ‘end of the line’.
Out of sixty who were gathered at least twelve were unlucky, forty eight remain. Cain was then approached by a few of the people he assisted who thanked him for his help and the Murderer merely just shrugged it off. There wasn’t much time to rest for the envoy came to congratulate the survivors and taunt them saying he believed he would see ‘less of them’. The next trial would soon begin as he snapped his fingers and suddenly they were brought forth to a new area, it looks to be a ruined land, it was bleak and lifeless. A dead forest with not a single form of life, no trees nor plants, and no sun was shining upon them. Not only that but there were many forms of weaponry that had been laid out all throughout the ground, such as swords stabbed into the ground. What exactly is this next trial? ‘Survival of the Fittest’…

IX. An Unlikely Bond
⟡ As the name implies, it is a test of survival and it would be in the form of the individuals trying to survive until a certain amount of time has passed. For one hour the remaining chosen must defend themselves against hordes of monsters. The mere thought of this group surviving against a horde of monsters, they don’t have special abilities and none of them are warriors. Cain was no exception to this notion even so he picked up a sword. He has never held a sword nor does he know how to use one yet something felt strange like he was meant to hold it. Others were hesitant yet they picked up the different weapons bows, spears, axes whatever they can use. The chosen were in disarray as none knew what to do, they honestly reminded him of Sheep desperately in need of a Sheep Herder. It was then that a single man had spoken up, a man who truly reminded Cain of Abel, it was honestly frightening how the similarities were. A sheepherder had arrived to guide the lost little lambs, Cain was no lamb but he wasn’t going to just stand back. The man who decides to take leadership introduced himself as Julius and he felt he can help with defending against the monsters.
This Julius might have been a leader in his past life, not only that but he was able to think strategically such as setting up points of defense and even traps. It was then that a sound could be heard akin to the blowing of a horn, then came the rumbling of the ground below them and then the roars that echoed from far away. Once the preparations were complete, Julius had rallied the remaining chosen and Cain decided to keep an eye on how he led. Eventually, the time came as the monsters poured in, Cain stayed on the front lines perhaps it was a foolish show of courage but he felt as though he had strength. Fighting the monsters off was not easy, beasts of all manner stormed the desolate forest and many were dying. The Chosen stood their ground, in the process of fighting for their lives many of them had awakened to ‘newfound strengths’ which one could easily call ‘Magic’. Though not all were of a ‘Magical Nature’ some were of a different form originating from a different source. For Cain, he didn’t acquire any sort of power but he did have the strength and perspiration to continuously slay the beasts that came till eventually, time ran out. Julius’s strategizing served well, although the battle had claimed eight souls. With the ‘Survival of the Strong’ accomplished they would be granted ‘rewards’ to choose from, a choice of either a piece of equipment or new power. For Cain, he had achieved a rather strange reward from a rather strange monster he had slain which was a strange crystal glowing with a ‘dark’ power for it felt no different from the demons that tortured him. Many of the chosen praised Julius and even Cain for their combined leadership and offense against the monsters which ensured their survival. Though they were still fearful of what was to come next, the Envoy had come and had informed them of their next trial…

X. The Rise of a Demon Slayer
⟡ ’The Pagan’s March’ is what the next trial was called and it was called this for a good reason, for they were to be greeted by a dangerous force. This dangerous force was composed of other souls who were sent to the underworld, they were warriors, and they were killers and thieves who cause bloodshed in the name of their Pagan Deity. It seemed simple enough, kill the warriors and destroy their temples of worship. The objectives were not too difficult to accomplish as many were able to kill warriors better than monsters, they were all capable of slaying men, and destroying the temples was of the same complexity. However, when the last temple fell things had suddenly changed for a great being of power arrived. Ninurta, God of Agriculture, Hunting, and War worshipped by Mesopotamia, was a formidable warrior who was an inspiration to other warriors. A monstrous beast of a man who was a Giant, he towered over the Chosen like he was at the top of the food chain. It was frightening and they felt they may not survive but they stood tall for Julian had done the same, truth be told Cain couldn’t understand just what it was that inspired men to follow Julian. Yet at the same time he felt as though he could understand, it was the smile he held even in times of danger. Julius’s smile remained even as they face a grave threat.
Ninurta had great power on his side, including a weapon that was in essence ‘alive’, it was what fueled Ninurta as he rampaged across the battlefield. It felt as though they were fighting a losing battle as Ninurta wouldn’t die despite them inlaying grievous wounds, that was when Cain noticed the power that surged each time from that weapon, the enchanted Mace known as Sharur. The First Murderer already formulated a plan as the Pagan Deity continuously fought against the other Chosen, once Ninurta raised his mace Cain rushed forward to slash the deity’s eye then together with Julius strike the arm and literally disarm the Giant Warrior. Cain rushed forward towards the fallen weapon with Julius in order to destroy it. Cain suddenly felt a newfound strength enter him and in response, he rushed forward with the other Chosen to slay Ninurta, it ended up being Cain who laid the final blow but used his newfound strength to decapitate the false deity. The chosen were in awe at Cain’s strength, soon enough an envoy came and decided to hold on to the next trial. The chosen who survived were forty total, none had died which was a miracle in itself. When granted time to rest, the Chosen felt as though they were happy as though they can hope again. It was quite the sight, you would never ever believe such a thing was possible, souls of the dead who were sent to Hell were laughing with each other and acting as friends which truly made Cain feel hopeful again. Though this was probably the last time he would ever have this…

XI. What is Hope?
⟡ Corpses littered the ground, Cain was in shock as he saw almost all of his companions die on the ground. Flames surged everywhere and Cain saw that his left arm was burned. The fallen son could only look up as he saw a monstrous demon slaughtering many of the Chosen, it felt as though he was the only one left. How did it turn so bad so quickly? At first, the envoy had arrived to greet them once they had a long enough break, it really felt like a long break for there was time to rest and even train. The next trial was called ‘Chamber of Hellfire’ and for good reason, their objective was to slay a demon that resides within a fiery pit in the Circle of Heresy known as Gorehowl. The Chosen were all hopeful and believed they could survive but they were proven completely wrong.
Gorehowl slaughtered thirty-three chosen as though it were no issue, Cain felt utterly devastated by how severe the losses were. Yet Cain picked himself back up as he tried to fight back along with Julius and the remaining chosen. As the fight continues Cain noticed something appear in his sight, there was thing line of light connecting to a point on Gorehowl’s back. Cain felt as though knew what it was, a guide to the weak points. Striking the weak points, Gorehowl was easily decimated and Cain managed to perfect a new style of fighting. When Gorehowl was defeated, Cain had received a reward in the form of a new sword born from the deceased demon.Armed with this new weapon and a new power, Cain was ready to take on the next trial. Though he did retrieve the remains of the many deceased Chosen before moving onwards with Julius and the other five Chosen that remain. They reached a big door which had a message imprinted upon it saying ‘abandon hope all ye who enter’. Pushing the door open, the surroundings of the chosen changed as they were met by an intense cold…

XII. Revenge, Best Served Cold
⟡ The next trial would be ‘The Treacherous Wyrm’, the beast that was already awaiting them in this severe cold was a Frostwyrm, a draconian creature, known as Velschius and a creation of Lucifer. This fight will be yet another serious obstacle to them for they are facing a beast Lucifer himself created, it holds great power. The circle of hell that is the lowest, the Circle of Treachery and also called Athara, is the true realm of the Devil. This icy cold realm, which would be attributed to Niflheim in Scandinavian Folklore, is where Lucifer is sealed and where he ruled his underworld, how could Cain not recognize this place. After all, this is where he was sent for his punishment. Though Cain had to focus on the battle at hand against Velschius. It was far more difficult indeed but Cain had managed to stand his ground along with the other Chosen. By unleashing his new swordsmanship and the power taken from the false God’s weapon, as well as the hidden ability to see weakness, he was able to bring down the arrogant dragon. As a reward for slaying the mighty beast, Cain was awarded yet another weapon although this one had a bit too much power to it. It felt as though they were about to be free from madness however at the end of this trial only two chosen remain, Cain and Julius. The envoy had greeted the two and brought them deeper into the icy landscape of the underworld till they came upon the entrance to what looked like a palace. It wouldn’t be long before the envoy lead the remaining chosen deep into the palace. They entered a place that looked akin to an arena and the envoy smirked saying that the final test begins now… ‘only two remain but there can only be one true chosen’… those words were a clear indication of what must be done… before Cain could even protest however he had to jump back to avoid a sharp blade coming for his neck… he was surprised by where the blade came from… Julius…

XIII. Alone At Last
⟡ When Cain first met Julius the one thing that intrigued him was how he was able to show happiness in this wretched place and how he was able to hold a smile. That smile was able to give hope to the damned souls brought into these ‘Trials’. Yet right now that smile is gone, there was only a cold look with no emotion whatsoever. Is he serious? Is he truly serious about this? After everything, they had gone through? Cain kept defending and tried to reach him but Julius wouldn’t halt. How could this happen? Was Julius really like this? Though if Cain truly thinks about it, this place isn’t meant for those who are ‘good’. Perhaps Julius saw a way to escape no matter what, ‘no matter what. It truly hurts, this was a slap in the face and Cain felt as though reality had greeted him. The two chosen had fought tooth and nail against each other, both were strong for they had survived almost all of the trials. Yet in the end, Cain landed the finishing blow and he was shocked by what he saw, the ‘Smiling Knight’ returned despite the fact that he lost. Cain wondered just what this meant but he couldn’t get an answer as ‘death’ had taken Julius. The envoy couldn’t help but chuckle and laugh saying that he was right, that it was just as he expected. What did his words mean? Though Cain questioned the envoy’s actions, he now finds himself questioning his intentions. Not to mention, where is the ‘man in charge? Where is the Devil? The envoy’s laughter continued to echo and suddenly Cain felt a strange feeling, he was suddenly weakened and brought to his knees. What was going on? The envoy revealed the truth to Cain, he was in fact the Devil himself. A fragment of the sealed Devil that allows him to interact with the World. Though that wasn’t the biggest shock, what came next was the revelation about the Trials…

XIV.. There Lies No Freedom
⟡ The Devil’s words were as followed “There was no ‘Trial’, there was no freedom from Hell, it was all nothing but a ruse. It was just a way to forge a weapon that will be important for the path ahead. It was never for ‘The Chosen’ but one ‘Chosen’”. What this actually meant was that there was never a point to these trials, it was just the Devil toying with them and that it was all about him. Lucifer revealed his true plan of creating the ‘Trials’ in order to test Cain, in order to build his power so that he could become his ‘sword’. Cain asked if it truly was all fake, all his comrades and all that he experienced. The Devil revealed that it was all real and the other chosen were merely just additives to help influence Cain, ‘the experiment was a success’ he claimed. Yet Lucifer had to make one last move, the Devil held the blade that Cain used to kill Abel and struck into the fallen son of man. An influx of demonic power surged within Cain thus transforming and shedding him of his humanity. The Devil says that he will accomplish the ascension and grant Cain true strength, the First Murderer didn’t want this but what could he do? Cain couldn’t fight back and he desperately tried to, he felt anger and regret, he wished he could go back to punishment rather than become what the Devil wanted. Lucifer completed his work and Cain has lost his humanity and was now a Demonic Being… he is no longer a ‘Son of Man’… from that day forward the Demon was bonded- no he was enslaved to the Devil in a pact… he has no choice but to follow his orders, to move about in the world of humanity and continue to spread his ‘evil’. Cain has been in many points of history, where there is conflict he is there… the Viking Invasions of England… the Crusades of Jerusalem… the Conquests of the Roman and Ottoman Empires, even the Mongol Empire just to name a few… at the same time he searches for way to be free… a Demon craving freedom…